Friday, July 8, 2011

I am worried about...

So as I delve deeper into my book, I find myself worried with five things. Well for right now, it is only five things. I am sure in the future there will be more.

1. Tense
Tense is something I have always struggled with. It is so hard for me to write in only present or only past. I find that one sentence is in present and the next in past. I struggle with it constantly. I try to make myself aware of it and correct each mistake but I know there are a lot slipping through the cracks.

2. Subject Verb Agreement
This one does not plague me as much as tense, but I still worry over it. I think I am actually pretty good at, but I know it is a big deal therefore I analyze each subject and verb combination way too much.

3. Consistentcy
I am really afraid of making some silly mistake. Like in one chapter someone is blonde and the next a brunette. I really hate seeing mistakes like that in movies or books which makes me more critical of my own writing.

4. Passive Writing Vs Action Writing
I wasn't concerned with this at all until I read a blog recently discussing the pros and cons of each. Now I am over analyzing my sentence structure as well as my tense and subject verb agreement.

5. Short Chapters
Probably not that big of a deal, but I am finding all my chapters to be around eight to ten pages. Then I start doing math, which is never a good thing. I am guesstimating that by the time this thing is done it will be close to 400 pages which at 10 pages a chapter is 40 chapters. 40 chapters seem like a lot to me.

I am really starting to feel like reading about writing is hurting my writing. I am thinking each sentence, each word to death. At this rate I will never finish my book. Someone please help!

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