Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First Post

Okay so this is my first post. (Obviously).  So I guess I decided to start a blog mainly because well I want to get my name out there as a writer. I think this will be a good start. Hopefully one day it will be the place to go in order to find out when one of my books will be published (if that happens.)

I am about one fourth of the way through my first real attempt at a book. Right now I have about a million and one ideas rolling through my head about my book and where it is going. My husband keeps telling me to outline it and I tried but I just don't think I'm a good at outlining. I guess that would be mainly because I'm not sure where it's going to end.

I am in love with my characters though. Some days I like some more than others and everyday I feel like I know them better. Especially Josie, my main character. I find that she is becoming an adult faster than me and well I'm kind of already supposed to be there. And sometimes I find myself so wrapped up in her world, its hard to find mine again, and for me I think that is pretty big.

You see, I used to hate English in school, I mean I really hated it. I had this old hag for a teacher and she killed it for me. Then I get to college and I realized that not every essay has to start the same or end the same. I learned that it was okay to have your own opinion and sometimes even disagree with the teacher/professor. And I fell in love with it all over again.

I hadn't written anything I felt strongly about since third grade, when I wrote about Turkeys and how I thought Thanksgiving was a cruel holiday because we were celebrating killing turkeys. Silly I know, but at nine well I was serious about it.  Then I write this essay and my professor loved it. And then I get a poetry teacher who was pretty great and then I decide that this is what I want to do. I want to write. I've been slow to start but I have started now, and hopefully one day it will be more than a blog.

The second reason I wanted to do a blog is get some of  my poems out there. I hope they're good and that they're understandable. So on that note I'm going to end with a poem that I wrote over a two years ago and hope that it is good. If you like it let me know. I need some encouraging thoughts!


Fingers glide across the strings
caressing the neck of a newly
purchased Breedlove. Raspy echos
bleed through the hotel room
walls, staining the wallpaper.

Water beads on my face, venturing
past my collar bone.  The cheap
showerhead teases with trickling
water.  You stop playing, a Marlboro
igniting, hanging loosely from your lips.

I wring water from my hair, ambition
and smoke fill the room.  Hazel
eyes trace my towel-covered figure
scanning for input or inspiration,
circumnavigating my inner thoughts.

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